
Bangunan atau gedung beserta fasilitas dan infrastruktur pendukung lainnya merupakan aset yang sangat berharga bagi perusahaan. Agar fungsi dan manfaatnya dapat dimanfaatkan dalam jangka panjang maka dalam proses konstruksinya harus berstandar pembangunan yang baik. Demi mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka perlu ada upaya observasi dan pengawasan pelaksanaan bangunan secara jeli dan cermat. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan SDM yang kompeten yang memahami proses, prosedur konstruksi dan metode pelaksanaan konstruksi serta memahami spesifikasi observasi dan mampu mengklasifakisan pekerjaan konstruksi sipil dengan baik sehingga hasil akhirnya sesuai/relevan dengan rencana dan ketentuan yang ditetapkan.


Setelah mengikuti training ini diharapkan peserta mampu untuk:

  1. Giving elementary congeniality to participant about execution become militant and concrete
  2. Knowing observation specification and classification construction work of Civil, along with its theorys
  3. Can explain end result from Construction execution  become militant and concrete as according to Specification/Related/Relevant Document
  4. Knowing interest of each unit observation of construction
  5. Knowing construction execution method become militant and concrete


  1. Basic Concept of Civil Construction
  2. Specification of Technical Condition
  • Construction Steel
  • Construction Concrete
  1. Identifying observation type pursuant to working team and also progres work construction become militant and concrete
  2. observation of Work of measurement, inspection, result of measurement, and also  making of Shop Drawing & Erection Drawing
  3. Observation of Levying of Fabrikasi construction component and material, and also Demobilisasi and mobilization
  4. Doing/Conducting observation of assembling / component asembling in field
  5. Doing/Conducting observation ofequipments of construction
  6. Observation of Loading Test, Cube Concrete Test, and also Moulding
  7. Observation & Inspect Finishing, and also making of Ace Build Drawing
  8. Inspection Report Workplan Execution Construction


Pelatihan ini dapat diikuti oleh Maintenance Engineer, Teknisi, Engineer pergedungan, Para staff pelaksana, Perencana dan Pengawas Pekerjaan sipil konstruksi khususnya dalam memahamai Technique Building &Technique Civil.


Ir. Ating Sudrajat, MT dan Team


4,999,000 IDR/peserta      (Non Residential)

Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui transfer dinomor rekening:

Bank Mandiri, Tbk Yogyakarta




  • Qualified instructor
  • Training Module
  • Certificate Bexpert Indoprima
  • Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  • Bag or backpackers
  • Training Photo
  • Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  • Lunch and 2 coffeebreak every day of training
  • Airport pick up services (Bandung Venue)


Jalan Ir. H.Djuanda No.367, Dago, Coblong, Dago, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

Web           :

Dina Rosmallina (Customer Relation Officer )

Email :

Mobile : +62 853 4070 4719 (Whatsapp)

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