Agenda & Venue Training Effective Maintenance Management
Tanggal : 29 sd 30 November 2021
Venue : Online Training
Description Effective Maintenance Management
The focus of the program is to create awareness of the important issues in lubrication and offer practical, effective solutions to the challenges facing today’s maintenance professionals.
Objectives Effective Maintenance Management
In this course, you will:
- Understand how lubricants work, how to create lubricant specifications for different machines and how to manage their condition.
- Learn how to select a grease, the most effective application method, and how to determine the optimum application amount and frequency.
- Learn how to identify, prevent and remediate lubricant contamination.
- Understand the key elements and uses of oil analysis.
- Learn how to modify equipment for lubrication, inspection, oil analysis and contamination control.
- Learn how to identify gaps in your program and create a game plan for your next steps.
Materi Effective Maintenance Management
- Maintenance Strategy
- Why machines fail
- The impact of poor maintenance on company profits
- The role of effective lubrication in failure avoidance
- Lubrication Theory
- Fundamentals of tribology
- Functions of a lubricant
- Hydrodynamic lubrication (sliding friction)
- Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication (rolling friction)
- Mixed-film lubrication
- Lubricants
- Base-oils
- Additives and their functions
- Oil lubricant physical, chemical and performance properties and classifications
- Grease lubrication
- Lubricant Selection (15%)
- Viscosity selection
- Base-oil type selection
- Additive system selection
- Machine specific lubricant requirements
- Hydraulic systems
- Rolling element bearings
- Journal bearings
- Reciprocating engines
- Gearing and gearboxes
- Application and environment related adjustments
- Lubricant Application (25%)
- Basic calculations for determining required lubricant volume
- Basic calculations to determine re-lube and change frequencies
- When to select oil; when to select grease
- Effective use of manual delivery techniques
- Automatic delivery systems
- Automated deliver options
- a) Automated grease systems
- b) Oil mist systems
- c) Drip and wick lubricators
- Deciding when to employ automated lubricators
- Maintenance of automated lubrication systems
- Preventive and Predictive Maintenance (10%)
- Lube routes and scheduling
- Oil analysis and technologies to assure lubrication effectiveness
- Equipment tagging and identification
VII. Lube Condition Control (10%)
- Filtration and separation technologies
- Filter rating
- Filtration system design and filter selection
VIII. Lube Storage and Management (10%)
- Lubricant receiving procedures
- Proper storage and inventory management
- Lube storage containers
- Proper storage of grease-guns and other lube application devices
- Maintenance of automatic grease systems
- Health and safety assurance
Peserta Effective Maintenance Management
General Manager, Manager, Supervisor, dan Staff yang bagian perawatan dan Engineering
Insrtuktur Training Effective Maintenance Management
Joko Winarno, S.T, M.T
Waktu & Tempat
Tanggal : 29 – 30 November 2021
Pukul : 09.00 – 15.00 WIB
Via : Online
(Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan bersifat tentative menunggu kuota peserta terpenuhi dan menyesuaikan kebutuhan klien)
Fasilitas Training Effective Maintenance Management
Biaya sudah termasuk fasilitas training sebagai berikut:
- Materi Pelatihan
- Sertifikat Pelatihan
Biaya belum termasuk:
- Pajak – pajak yang berlaku
Metode Training Effective Maintenance Management
Program ini akan menggunakan beberapa metoda, yaitu: Konsep-Contoh-Latihan-Rencana Penerapan, Role-Play dan Diskusi Kelompok.
Biaya Pelatihan
Online Training
Rp. 3.000.000,-/peserta
Pembayaran dapat dilaksanakan pada saat pelatihan atau transfer pada rekening berikut:
- Bank Mandiri, Tbk Yogyakarta
Info Pelatihan
Jl. Parangtritis Km. 6.5 Sewon Bantul Panggungharjo Yogyakarta
Phone/WA : Satrio ( 0813 2517 7427)
Web :
Email :